Thursday, May 30, 2019
Anabolic Steroids Essay -- essays research papers
Anabolic Steroids     Anabolic steroids are synthetic coumpounds formulated to be like themale end up activity horm ane testosterone. Many athletes economic consumption anabolic steroids male andfemale alike, such as body builders , weightlifters, baseball players, footballplayers, swimmers, and runners. They do so because they mistakenly retrieve thatthey will gain strength and size.     In a male testosterone is released by the leydig cells in the testes.The testosterone has two main functions androgenic and anabolic. Androgenic isthe development of male sex characteristics. Anabolic is the development ofmuscle tissue.     To treat patient roles who suffer from a natural lack of testosteronepharmacoligists alter one form of testosterone slightly, increasing th length of clock time the drug is active. Testosterone was first isolated in 1935, soon forms oftestosterone such as dianabol, durabolin, deca-durabolin, and win strol wereproduced.     One of the main personal effects of anabolic steroids is to increase the numberof red assembly line cells and muscle tissue without producing much of the androgeniceffects of testosterone. in that respect are plainly four legal uses for steroids treatmentfor certain forms of cancer, pituatary dwarfism, and serious hormonedisturbances.     There are two forms of anabolic steroids those taken orally and thoseinjected. The immediate effects of both are mood swings of many different kinds.In one study, physicians Ian Wilson, Arthur Prang, Jr., and Patricio Lara fixthat four out of five men suffering from dippresion when given a steroidsuffered from dillusions. A research team from Great Britian Found that apatient given steroids became dizzy, dissoriented, and incoherent. PhysiciansWilliam Layman and William Annitto have had a case of a young man who wasdiagnosed as schizophrenic took steriods to help with his wieghtlif ting. Aftertaking these drugs he suffered toilsome deppresion and anxiety and had troublesleeping.     Most people who use steroids do not have side affects this severe.Steroids make changes in the electroencephalogram (an image of brain ellectricalactivity). Researchers believe that these changes are responsible for some ofthe behavior changes in users of steroids like increased hostility and... ... I read from the researchers that anabolic steroids showfew if any effects at all and I read from athletes that there is a very largeeffect on muscle gain and endurance. I came across only one book though thataddressed this issue between researchers and atheletes. The book sayed that TheAmerican College of Sports Medicine stated a report on the use and iniquity ofanabolic steroids. It stated that for many people any benefits of anabolicsteroids are small and not worth the health risk. Yet almost all the athleteswho use anabolic steroids feel that the steroids had a great effect and thatthey would not have been successful without them. The big gap betweenresearchers and athletes has caused a big contraversy athletes say one thing andresearchers say another. The researchers have found a reason that maybe is thecause that anabolic steroid users see efects that researchers say are not doable they call it the "placebo effect".     The placebo effect works by the power of suggestion athletes believethat the steroids will improve there performance so they do. The placebo effectis genuinely the performance is improved and the gains are not imagi
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